We raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving
We work to raise awareness, increase public knowledge about the potential life-threatening consequences and promote responsible behavior to reduce the number of distracted driving crashes and save lives.

Promote Just Drive Campaign and Safe Driving Apps
Just Drive Campaign Videos

Speaking Opportunities

Education in Schools and in Drivers’ Training

Event Displays and Booths

We support policies and legislation to end distracted driving
We will support the implementation of hands-free laws to be passed in every state, supplemented by comprehensive awareness and enforcement policies to maximize their effectiveness in ending distracted driving and saving lives.

Targeted State by State plan for Hands Free Legislation in remaining 21 states.

Partner with NHTSA / DOT / Auto Alliance to promote DMS roll-out

We support the advancement and implementation of technology to end distracted driving
We will support the advancement and implementation of technology that is instrumental in our efforts to end distracted driving, enhance road safety and save lives.

Strategic Partnership with Cambridge Mobile Telematics to increase safe driving app usage in cooperation with insurance providers.